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Sports Massage:

Sports massage influences repair, recovery and injury prevention for professional atheletes.  Sport Massage is not just for anybody with sports injury but anybody who puts excess stress on their muscles on a day to day basis. For example, someone who sits at a computer all day and ends up slumping over the keyboard will in time experience  very tight and painful neck and shoulder muscles. Sports massage treatment will help to relieve this problem and also help to prevent it in the future.


Sports massage not only helps the repair and recovery of muscle but keeps your muscles in good condition, allowing optimal range of movement, flexibility and power output.


Sports massage can:

  • Improve circulation and lymphatic flow

  • Assist in the removal of metabolic waste

  • Stimulate nerve endings

  • Increase or decrease muscle tone

  • Increase or decrease muscle length

  • Assist in remodeling of scar tissue

  • Assist in mental preparation for sporting participation.


Sports massage can be used during conditioning and training work, pre-post competition, during injury recovery and for injury prevention.


Taping & Strapping:

Strapping and taping techniques are  most important and most visible skills a physiotherapist, sports therapist can have.  Helping prevent injury as well as protect the athlete from re-injury whilst returning to sport and provide compression to a recently injured joint.


The principles of taping are much the same for all applications. An anchor point is applied then support strips of tape restrict movement or provide support.


Swedish Massage:

Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body. This is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. But Swedish massage therapy goes beyond relaxation, the benefits go far deeper than that. Swedish massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.  Like regular exercise, massage benefits all of the various systems in the body, not just one, promoting physical as well as mental well-being in a variety of ways.


Everyone can benefit from a therapeutic massage treatment, as a preventative measure to maintain good health or to help with a specific problem.


Anxious and stressed?  Find a sense of balance and harmony through massage.

Swedish massage therapy is very effective at relieving anxiety and is often used to help alleviate the symptoms of stress and depression.  Massage relaxes tight muscles and relieves tension creating  stimulation to the skin giving a deeply relaxing, feel and a deeper sense of connectedness with your body during a Swedish massage.  You become more aware of the muscles of your body as they are massaged, and this helps clear the mind of anxiety and dissipate depression. Swedish massage can also promote healthy sleep, which is one more way it helps the body heal itself, whether suffering from insomnia or poor sleep relating to depression, anxiety, the onset of aging, or illness, Swedish massage can promote better sleep. This in turn can support the healthy function of the immune system, relieve anxiety and depression, and support energy levels.  A workout for your lymph system


The movements and firm pressure involved in Swedish massage affect all systems in the body, including soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments and also nerves and even glands.   Pressure is applied to your muscles in movements that are in tune with the natural flow of blood back to your heart.  The lymph system is encourages to function

Stiff, strained muscles?


Swedish massage can help muscle strains encouraging your body’s lymph system flush metabolic wastes such as lactic acid and uric acid from your muscles. This shortens recovery time and helps you feel better faster. Regular massage helps increase flexibility, enhances tissue elasticity and reduces pain. Many individuals benefit from a greater range of joint motion and movement thanks to Swedish massage therapy.


Swedish massage is a wonderful way to pamper yourself, but it is also an important and effective type of therapy for many people to support good health and to manage a variety of health conditions.


Lava Shell Massage:

Lava Shells are 100% natural, tiger clam shells consisting of calcium carbonate and polished to allow their natural beauty to shine through.


They originate from the Philippines.  Local villagers gather the clams to eat. Before the shells had been used in massage, they were always thrown away, but now have began to be used by professionals as massage tools.  Live clam shells are never harvested for use as massage tools.


Lava Shells are self-heating; they are filled with a mixture of natural minerals and ingredients including sea kelp and algae, they heat up when a simple salt-water activator is added.


What are the benefits of a Lava Shell Massage?


Lava Shell Massage promotes extreme relaxation.  These Lava Shells heat stays consistently warm for an entire hour.


The heat from the shell relieves muscle tension and soreness.  It is a truly natural therapy using genuine, natural minerals.  They're also eco-friendly because they require no need for electricity.


Lava Shell Massage Treatment helps with:

  • relaxation

  • menstrual cramping

  • clients who typically feel cold/poor circulation

  • to escape the chilly weather

  • depression

  • anxiety & stress

  • lethargy and lack of energy

  • muscle tension

  • chronic muscle pain

  • vascular disorders


Indian Head Massage:

The art of Indian Head Massage is an Ayurvedic form of healing and relaxation used widely in Asia, to combat daily tension and stress.  Ideal for any neck or shoulder tension, the massage starts on the back and neck working deeply over the muscles and pressure points that help the muscles to relax and moving up to the scalp which relax, stimulate and revive this area encouraging circulation, oxygen and nutrients to the area.  The effects of this help stimulate hair growth and revitalise the brain.


Finally, the treatment finishes with a wonderful soothing face massage, which includes pressure points and draining techniques that may help headaches and sinus problems.


Hopi Ear Candling (Thermal Auricular Therapy):

Thermal Auricular Therapy, also known as Hopi Ear Candling, is an ancient treatment that combines heat and natural ingredients. A treatment session involves the burning of a candle in one ear and then the other. The light suction action and the movement of the flame as it burns create a vibration of air in the candle, generating a massage-like effect on the ear drum. The treatment is combined with a face lymph drainage massage to create a complete holistic treatment.


Hopi ear candling is a soothing and revitalising treatment that simultaneously treats the body and mind. It can help relieve the symptoms associated with: Excessive ear wax, Patulous Eustachian tube (abnormally open tube so you hear all sound incl. Chewing), colds and flu (after initial stages), headaches and migraines, inflammation of inner ear, vertigo and dizziness, tinnitus and noises in the ear, Bell’s Palsy, blocked tear duct, reduction in smell, swimmer or surfer’s ear (pressure problems, motion sickness), snoring and blocked sinuses.


Arthritis treatment (using parafin wax):


If you look down at your hands and see knotted bunch of crooked joints that can no longer tie your shoelaces or button your clothes, you may be suffering arthritis. Hand arthritis affects millions of people every day. Even the mundane daily tasks become impossible when the hands are stiff, painful and deformed. If it’s cold outside, then forget trying to tie your shoelaces. Cold just makes matters much worse.


Paraffin wax is an ideal substance for treating minor arthritis pain and swelling. It retains heat to soothe aching hands and feet.


Physiotherapists, Podiatrists and Arthritis specialists, have recommended Paraffin Wax therapy since 1962, because it is one of the most effective ways of applying heat to reduce the swelling in muscles, decrease inflammation/stiffness of joints and connective tissues, soothe the pain from arthritis and improve circulation.


In a recent study, a number of people with hand arthritis were asked to try paraffin wax treatments. Those who used the paraffin wax experienced more pain relief and stronger hands compared to those who did not use the paraffin wax. Overall, the group using the hot wax treatments seemed to have a little easier time doing all those mundane daily activities like buttoning shirts and tying shoelaces.


Wax therapy provides pain relief and comfort, to assist with muscle relaxation and to relieve stiffness and help improve movement before exercise.  Warmth will stimulate circulation, relax muscles, improve nerve conduction, and improve joint fluidity.


Wax therapy is one of the most effective ways of applying heat to improve mobility by heating connective tissues, providing a therapeutic and healing heat to sore and aching joints, making it particularly beneficial for those suffering from arthritis and rheumatic pain.  As a preventative measure, to aid painful arthritic joints, this treatment is particularly popular in the winter.


Here are some medical ailments that paraffin is known to help alleviate:

Arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, muscle, tendon and ligament ailments, bursitis, eczema, tendonitis, sprains and pulled muscles.


It is mainly used on your hands and is often used by hand therapists in a hospital setting with an exercise programme. Although since hospital cutbacks, this treatment seems to have ceased due to costs.


Is Parafin Wax safe?

Paraffin wax  therapy is safe, although you shouldn’t use wax therapy if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, varicose veins, open wounds/sores (inflammatory skin conditions) or Raynaurds disease.


How the treatment is applied:

The temperature of the wax should be 50o C ( 122 F  ). Both hands are wrapped in paraffin wax strips, the hands are then covered with a plastic bag and placed in hot mitts (or booties if treating feet). After 15 minutes, the wax is removed light massage is given with joint moving exercises.


This daily protocol is pretty standard for the treatment of arthritic hands using paraffin wax.



Lymphatic Drainage Massage:

This is an advanced therapy using a range of special and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of lymph flow, stimulating lymphatic vessels that carry substances vital to the defence of the body as well as helping the removal of waste products.


Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic Drainage clears blockages, eliminates metabolic wastes and toxins from the body.  Transports nutrients to cells and increases metabolic efficiency, all adding to the reduction of excess fluid and assisting weight reduction.  It also has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to relieve stress and tension.

Lymph drainage is used to treat a wide range of conditions such as:

  • Glandular fever

  • ME (chronic fatigue)

  • Migraine

  • Sinus

  • Hay fever

  • Recurring infections (colds, flu, ear, chest)

  • Pre and post operative cases (cosmetic surgery, cancer or where lymph nodes have been removed or the lymphatic system impaired in some way)

  • Toxic build-up, oedema and fluid retention (puffy ankles, legs, eyes, bloating)

  • Cellulite and excess weight

  • Constipation and other digestive disorders


Steam Spa

Luxury Steam Spa with aromatherapy oils is an excellent treatment for relaxing, ease muscle tension, softens and removes dead skin.



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